Operation Barbarossa-Stellung

Barbarossa position

The 'Barbarossa-Stellung' was a German fallback line in Belorussia for Generaloberst Gotthard Heinrici’s (from 1 June 1943 Generaloberst Hans von Salmuth’s and from 31 July once again Heinrici’s) 4th Army in the area of Roslavl and Smolensk (summer 1943).

The line was designed to provide the link between the positions of General Heinrich Clössner’s (from 15 July Generaloberst Walter Model’s and from 15 August Generaloberst Dr Lothar Rendulic’s) 2nd Panzerarmee in the area of Szew, Dezna and Bolva and General Josef Harpe’s (from 30 March 1943 Model’s, from 20 May Harpe’s and from 9 June Model’s) 9th Army.