Operation Foscott

'Foscott' was a British special forces undertaking by the Special Operations Executive in German-occupied Norway to train the Milorg (Norwegian military resistance organisation) in the protection of power, transformer and and repeater stations for the time that German military power in Norway was on the verge of defeat or surrender (1944/8 May 1945).

As they were driven back westward into Finnmark, the northernmost county of Norway, and then to the south out of this county, the Germans had resorted to a 'scorched earth' policy of great severity to deny the Soviets any use of buildings, supplies and infrastructure, and there great Allied concerns that the Germans would act in an identical fashion in southern Norway. Given their difficulty in effecting 'Apostle' to land forces in Norway, accept any German surrender and prevent widespread destruction of the Norwegian infrastructure (especially ports, power facilities, roads, railways and bridges), the Allies sensibly decided that the Milorg, supported by Norwegian 'police battalions' that were training in Sweden, should be allocated the task of suppressing German destruction before and as Allied land forces arrived.