Operation Goldfinch

'Goldfinch' was a British operation by the Special Operations Executive as successor to 'Chaffinch' against shipping on the western side of the Oslofjord in German-occupied Norway (17 November 1943/May 1944).

The four-man party was also instructed to resume training in the area to the west of Oslo, kill dangerous informers as part of 'Ratweek', and reconnoitre Gardemoen airfield. Stenersen and Allan were parachuted into the country on 17 November and linked with Olsen and Sandersen, who had arrived overland from Stockholm in neutral Sweden. The party worked closely with SL, the central leadership of the Milorg (military resistance movement in Norway). In December two of the group were surprised by the Germans: Stenersen was shot and captured, but Olsen escaped and assumed leadership of the party.

Meanwhile Sandersen had established radio contact with the UK, and Allen began weapons training. Olsen was joined by Edvard Tallaksen and Birger Rasmussen from the 'Company' team and began work. Reconnaissance of Gardemoen was undertaken and the killing of several informers was carried out up to May 1944, by which time at least four informers had been assassinated.

The team also prepared to attack the ship that was to transport what was left of the heavy water from Vemork to Germany, but was not needed, and prepared an attack against the freighter Lappland in Drammen at the beginning of May, but the ship sailed before the team was ready.

Members of the group also assisted in attacks against targets Oslo.