Operation Herbstgewitter (iii)

autumn storm

'Herbstgewitter' (iii) was a German operation against the partisan forces of Marshal Josip Broz Tito operating in the Bosnian region of German-occupied Yugoslavia and threatening the already precarious overland communications between the German forces in the Balkans and those in Yugoslavia, both elements comprising the command of Generalfeldmarschall Maximilian Reichsfreiherr von Weichs, the Militärbefehlshaber Südost, from his headquarters at Thessaloníki in northern Greece (September 1944).

In August 1944 this command was divided into Generaloberst Alexander Löhr’s Heeresgruppe 'E' in Greece and von Weichs’s Heeresgruppe 'F' in Yugoslavia, von Weichs becoming the Oberbefehlshaber 'Südost' in succession to Löhr.