Operation Karin (ii)


'Karin' (ii) was the German redeployment of the destroyers of Kapitän Hans Erdmenger’s 8th Zerstörer-Flottille from the North Sea to the north coast and then the Bay of Biscay coasts of German-occupied France (5/8 March 1943).

The undertaking was designed to strengthen the protection which could be afforded by the Germans to their coastal convoys along the southern side of the English Channel and the Atlantic seaboard of German-occupied France, and also to support the safe arrival of blockade running merchant vessels from Japan.

The ships involved were Z 23, Z 24, Z 25, Z 32 and Z 37, which were engaged unsuccessfully as they passed through the Strait of Dover by British coastal artillery and motor torpedo boats. The flotilla reached Le Havre on 3 March, Cherbourg on 7 March, and Bordeaux on 8 March.