Operation Linnet II

'Linnet II' was an Allied unrealised successor plan to 'Linnet I', designed to seize the crossings over the Maas river to the south of Douai and the 'Maastricht appendix' in the southern part of the German-occupied Netherlands with the forces of Lieutenant General Lewis M. Brereton’s Allied 1st Airborne Army (4 September 1944).

The operation was seen as a means of speeding the progress of Major General J. Lawton Collins’s VII Corps and Major General Charles H. Corlett’s XIX Corps of Lieutenant General Courtney H. Hodges’s US 1st Army through the northern part of the 'Siegfried-Linie' defences toward the major concentrations of Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model’s Heeresgruppe 'B' in the Ruhr and around Köln.

Conventional land advances after 15 September 1944 made the scheme unnecessary, especially as the bulk of the airborne forces was required for 'Market'.