Operation Orm

'Orm' was a British operation by the Special Operations Executive to establish a reception base centred on Trysil in the eastern part of German-occupied Norway (3 March/9 May 1945).

The initial two-man party of B. Hansen and B. Sætre was delivered by parachute on 3 March and established radio contact with the UK. A four-man party with the base leader, Captain Aasen, then arrived overland from neutral Sweden. Supplies were initially limited, and a strong German presence meant that much of the work was undertaken from across the Swedish border. Co-operation with the Milorg military resistance organisation was good, and more supplies and men arrived from Stockholm.

At the time of the German surrender, the 'Orm' leadership and 75 men crossed the border, and on 9 May they accepted the surrender of the local German commandant.