Operation Player

'Playboy' was a British naval undertaking by Admiral Sir James Somerville’s Eastern Fleet to find and destroy the U-boat supply ship Charlotte Schliemann in the area to the south of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean (24/30 June 1943).

The British ships involved in this search for Charlotte Schliemann, which was known to be on passage from Soerabaja in the Japanese-controlled Netherlands East Indies, included the heavy cruiser Suffolk, the light cruiser Newcastle, the destroyers Nizam, Racehorse and Relentless, and the oiler Ambassador.

The German ship was not located despite a major search by the warships and supporting aircraft. After the cancellation of 'Player', Newcastle and Racehorse returned to
Kilindini in Kenya, while Suffolk and Relentless steamed to the island of Mauritius to refuel, the heavy cruiser then departing for Kilindini and the destroyer for Durban in South Africa.