Operation Wren

'Wren' was a British operation by the Special Operations Executive to carry out sabotage tasks against lines of communication targets to the south of Steinkjer in German-occupied Norway (March/May 1945).

The four-man party of K. J. Aarsæther, T. Baakind, A. Øvre and E. Sem-Jacobsen was originally to have been delivered by parachute, but was eventually sent to Stockholm in neutral Sweden. Toward the end of April this party, strengthened by six men trained in Sweden, moved overland into Norway. By this stage it had been decided that its role should change to protection of vital logistic targets when the Germans surrendered. At the end of April it was decided that Lieutenant G. Klem should join the party and the operation’s name was changed to 'Wren Antipodes' with the task of protecting the Gudaa railway bridge. Whether or not Klem entered Norway is unclear.