Operation Curlew (ii)

'Curlew' (ii) was a British special forces operation by the Special Operations Executive to provide a radio operator for the Milorg military resistance organisation in German-occupied Norway, to advise the Milorg on radio matters, and to instruct and equip the five radio stations in the Oslo area (17 November 1943/April 1944).

K. Haugland and G. Sønsteby were parachuted into the country on 17 November with the 'Goldfinch' party and containers of weapons and equipment. Haugland left for Kongsberg but was captured by the Gestapo, although he managed to escape and eventually began his work in Oslo. Sønsteby gathered the weapons and brought them to Oslo. In March Haugland’s transmissions were detected but he escaped capture and in April both men left for Stockholm in neutral Sweden.