Operation Felix-Heinrich

'Felix-Heinrich' was the German definitive version of 'Felix' (i) for the capture of Gibraltar (10 March 1941 onward).

At the express insistence of Adolf Hitler, the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht developed a revised plan for the capture of Gibraltar for possible implementation after the German invasion of the USSR had been completed. This 'Felix-Heinrich' plan was submitted to Generaloberst Franz Halder, the chief of the Oberkommando des Heeres’s general staff, on 10 March 1941, and proposed that as soon as the invading forces in the USSR had reached a line between Kiev and Smolensk (by 15 July, it was hoped), significant formations could then be withdrawn to prepare for the Gibraltar operation, which it was thought could begin on 15 October.

'Felix-Heinrich' adhered in basic strategic and operational concepts to those of 'Felix', with the same forces but with new supporting elements.