Operation Hubertusjagd

Hubert hunt

'Hubertusjagd' was a German operation ordered by Generaloberst Maximilian Reichsfreiherr von Weichs’s Heeresgruppe 'B' to commit Generalmajor Hans-Georg Leyser’s 29th Division (mot.) from Kalach in a rapid advance toward Perelazovsky in support of General de armatā Petre Dumitrescu’s Romanian 3rd Army in the Don river bend area to the north-west of Stalingrad (10/11 November 1942).

This was a direct response to the German perception that Soviet troop redeployments and reinforcements in this area to the north-west of Stalingrad threatened the Romanian formation. The German reinforcement was both too late and too small, and the Romanian 3rd Army was in fact effectively overrun by the Soviet 'Uran', which was the first phase of the 'Stalingrad Strategic Offensive Operation', and thereby sealed the fate of Generaloberst Friedrich Paulus’s German 6th Army in Stalingrad.