Operation Plover

'Plover' was a British operation by the Special Operations Executive in response to a request early in 1942 by the Norwegian high command to establish direct wireless communication with central leadership of the resistance movement in German-occupied Norway (September 1942/September 1943).

Agreement had been reached with the signals chief of the resistance in May 1942, and 'Plover' was the result of this agreement. Ordered to train a local person who could take over from him if necessary, P. Solnerdal arrived in Norway via Stockholm in neutral Sweden, and was installed in Oslo by a time early in September. With the help of Gunnar Sønsteby, Solnerdal made contact with the central leadership and established radio communication with the UK on 23 September. However, after problems with his call sign, Solnerdal got in touch with the local Special Intelligence Service station, and used its crystals and signals plan to communicate with the UK.

In the middle of November Solnerdal was instructed to train Rolf Krohn as his successor, and Krohn began to transmit in December. On 19 December Solnerdal was ordered to Østfold, and sent his last message on 28 December. Krohn signalled through another SIS station that Solnerdal had been caught on 6 January 1943, and that he would flee to Sweden. Harald Kvande was recruited to set up a new station, 'Plover Beta', and made contact on 26 May. He eventually changed to the 'Plover Blue' signal plan before being instructed to close down in September 1943.