Operation Swan (i)

'Swan' (i) was a British operation by the Special Operations Executive to establish radio contact and provide arms instruction to resistance groups east of Kristiansand in German-occupied Norway (20 August 1942/February 1943).

The radio operator, A. Fasting, was also to train small groups in the removal of collaborators by assassination.

The two-man 'Swan' (i) party (G. Bråstad and Fasting) were delivered by the Free French submarine Minerve on the night of 20/21 August to the coast of western Norway, and established radio contact from 24 September. This operation was troubled by difficulties between local resistance groups and Fasting, who had been a member of the 'Cheese' party and was unpopular with local groups, among which his presence caused friction. Fasting left for Stockholm in neutral Sweden during November 1942, and Bråstad followed in February 1943. The local resistance group was badly affected by a series of arrests in December 1942.