'5 Kolonne' was a German naval minelaying operation in the North Sea (21/24 August 1942).
The minelayers Roland, Kaiser and Skagerak, together with the minesweepers M 82, M 102 and M 20 started top lay mines on 21 August in the 'Eleanor' barrier of the 'Westwall' warning area. The gunboat K 1 and the minesweepers M 341 and M 342 were also involved as anti-aircraft protection. The barrier breakers Sperrbrecher 1 and Sperrbrecher 17, accompanied by the anti-aircraft vessels FJ 22 and FJ 24, were also committed to secure the mining area against British ground mines. The 12 boats of Kapitänleutnant Margner’s 8th Räumboots-Flottille (R 92 to R 103) provided additional protection.
With the 'Kolonne 5a' and 'Kolonne 6a' minefields, laid in the time from 7 July 1942, this undertaking closed the last two gaps of the German minefield area were closed. The same force was used to reinforce the existing mine barrier on 24 August in '5 Kolonne' ('Kolonne 5a') in the area of the Germans' North Sea minefield area.