Operation Ascendant

'Ascendant' was a British return convoy from Malta to Gibraltar timed to coincide with the 'MG3' operation and the 'Pedestal' convoy from Gibraltar to Malta (10/14 August 1942).

The operation was designed to allow the passage of two merchant vessels, the 10,350-ton Orari and 7,422-ton Troilus, empty but for 2,000 tons of scrap metal and empty cartridge cases, worn-out gun barrels, captured Axis airmen and wounded naval personnel, escorted by the destroyers Badsworth and Matchless. The British ships encountered the Italian destroyer Lanzerotto Malocello, which was involved in a minelaying operation off Cape Bon and escorted by the torpedo boat Climene, but no action took place as each side identified the other as being Vichy French.