Operation Battle of Wólka Weglowa

The 'Battle of Wólka Węglowa' was fought between German and Polish troops within the context of the German 'Weiss' (i) invasion of Poland and the Polish 'Zachod' defence plan during the last stages of the Polish 'Battle of the Bzura' counter-offensive (19 September 1939).

The 'Battle of Wólka Węglowa' was a cavalry battle fought as Polish cavalry (14th Regiment of Jazlowiec Uhlans of the Cavalry Brigade 'Podolska' and elements of the 9th Regiment of Lesser Poland Uhlans) retreating toward Warsaw encountered German units. The commanding officer of the 14th Regiment, Pułkownik Edward Godlewski, ordered his cavalry to charge, and the German infantry was taken by surprise, However, machine guns and tanks hidden nearby opened fire on the cavalry. Eventually the Polish units broke through toward Warsaw, as had been intended, but at the cost of heavy losses (105 men killed and 100 wounded), or about 20% of their initial strength.