Operation Heron II

'Heron II' was a British operation by the Special Operations Executive to follow 'Archer' and 'Heron I' as the third and last of the three related 'Archer' and 'Heron' undertakings to organise and train resistance groups in the Vefsn district to the south of Mosjøen in German-occupied Norway, receive arms, build dumps, and establish radio contact (8 April 1942 onward).

A six-man Norwegian party (Birger Sjøberg, E. Rustan, L. Langaas, R. M. Olsen, J. Kvarme and A. Gundersen) was delivered by sea, Sjøberg then assuming command of the combined 15-man SOE party in the Vefsn district. The subsequent history of 'Heron II' was therefore identical to that of 'Heron I'.