Operation Love II

'Love II' was the Allied unrealised plan within the 'Love' series of landings on the central and northern islands of the Japanese-occupied Philippine islands group for an amphibious landing at Aparri on the estuary of the Cagayan river on the north coast of Luzon island (31 January 1945).

The operation was to have been undertaken by Lieutenant General Sir Leslie Morshead’s Australian I Corps using Major General Edward J. Milford’s 7th Division and Major General George F. Wootten’s 9th Division.

Another victim of the same cancellation was the planned landing of Lieutenant General Robert L. Eichelberger’s US 8th Army planned for 10/20 January in Dingalan Bay, on the east coast of Luzon, using Major General Percy W. Clarkson’s 33rd Division reinforced by the 158th Infantry and 503rd Parachute Infantry.