Operation Meridian II

'Meridian II' was a British carrierborne air attack on the oil refinery at Soengei Gerong on Sumatra island in the Japanese-occupied Netherlands East Indies as a successor to 'Meridian I' by the same forces (29 January 1945).

Despite poor visibility, the flying-off was delayed by less than 30 minutes and the attack was delivered on the refinery. The British pilots claimed 30 Japanese aircraft shot down in the air and another 38 destroyed on the ground, for the loss of 16 British aircraft. A small Japanese counterattack was attempted, but was defeated by fighter cover and anti-aircraft fire.

Refining operations at Soengei Gerong were totally halted for two months.

The ships of TF63 refuelled from TF69 for the final time on 30 January and sailed for Fremantle in Western Australia as TF69 returned to Trincomalee.