Operation Raven

'Raven' was a British operation by the Special Operations Executive to establish resistance groups of about 300 men in the mountains around Voss in German-occupied Norway, and to establish radio contact with the UK (18 April 1942).

The planned tasks of these resistance groups were to aid any Allied invasion of Norway by blocking the railway line linking Oslo and Bergen, and taking control of the airfield at Bomoen. The four-man party (W. Waage, L. Pettersen, C. Tønseth and G. Merkesdal) was delivered by air, and 'Raven' soon came on air and transmitted until July, after which contact became problematic. In October 1942, Waage reached Stockholm in neutral Sweden and was sent back to the UK. In March 1943 Pettersen also arrived in Stockholm and was sent to the UK. In April 1943 the last two members of the 'Raven' party tried to return to the UK, but only Tønseth was successful. Organisation work continued in the area but there was no contact with the UK until September 1943.

In the spring of 1944 the new 'Redstart' party arrived to take up where 'Raven' had ended.