Operation Tarbrush

'Tarbrush' was the British overall designation of the numerous small-scale beach reconnaissance operations undertaken along the coast of Normandy and neighbouring regions of German-occupied northern France by special forces' parties to gain last-minute intelligence of any beaches, and their German defences, on which an Allied landing might be attempted (15/18 May 1944).

Included in this series were 'Tarbrush 3' of 16/17 May between Bray Dunes and Plage by two men of No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando, who were unable to land because of the roughness of the sea, 'Tarbrush 4' of 15 May between Quend Plage and Les Pins, successful 'Tarbrush 5' of 15/16 May round Les Hemmes by two men of No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando, successful 'Tarbrush 8' of 15/16 May round Quend by two men of No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando, and unsuccessful 'Tarbrush 10' of 17/18 May round Cayeux sur Mer by two men of No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando, who were landed in the wrong place and captured.