'Turbine' was a British naval undertaking designed to promulgate a wasteful state of alarm along the coast of German-occupied Europe and to use carrierborne air power destroy German shipping in the Leads (2/4 August 1944).
The element of Admiral Sir Henry Moore’s Home Fleet committed to 'Turbine' was Rear Admiral R. R. McGrigor’s Force 9, which comprised the fleet carriers Furious and Indefatigable, the heavy cruiser Berwick, the light cruiser Jamaica and the destroyers Caprice, Marne, Meteor, Musketeer, Nubian, Scourge and Canadian Sioux.
In the event low cloud prevented the planned air effort by Fairey Barracuda attack aircraft on 3 August, and two sweeps at 17.15 despatched up the Leads between Søgne and Yttercoerne were also prevented from entering the Leads by low cloud. The aircraft attacked two radio stations, and a second strike was abandoned as a result of the weather.