Stalingrad Strategic Offensive Operation

The 'Stalingrad Strategic Offensive Operation' was the Soviet formal designation for the 'Uran' battle to cut off the German th Army and part of the 4th Panzerarmee in Stalingrad (19/30 November 1942).

The 'Stalingrad Strategic Offensive Operation' (19 November 1942/2 February 1942) had five sub-operations, namely 'Uran', the 'Kotelnikovo Offensive Operation' (12/31 December 1942) including the 'Tatsinskaya Raid Operation' (16/28 December 1942), the 'Middle Don Offensive Operation' (otherwise 'Malyi Saturn' (16/30 December 1942, and the 'Koltso Operation' (otherwise 'Ring') (10 January/2 February 1943).